Helen Keller International (Helen Keller Intl) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving and improving the sight and lives of the world's vulnerable by combatting the causes and consequences of blindness, poor health and malnutrition.
Helen Keller Intl is supporting Vitamin A Supplementation programs in 14 countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and just for 2022, supported distribution of supplements to more than 30 million children. To strengthen its program, Helen Keller Intl is developing training modules for its teams, for which a series of videos are needed that describe various components of our support to Vitamin A Supplementation services. Helen Keller Intl is seeking consultants to help design and produce these videos.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a vendor that will provide best value to Helen Keller Intl, when both technical and cost factors are combined.
Eligibility of Bidders
This RFP is open to individual consultants and private company entities that are deemed capable of implementing the scope of work, with a solid record of integrity and business ethics, and that meet the eligibility requirements stated in this section. The consultant or the consultancy firm should be based in Kenya.
Bidders that submit proposals in response to this RFP must meet the following requirements:
- Be an individual consultant or private company entities (for-profit and non-profit companies, etc.) that are legally registered under the laws of Kenya.
- Have demonstrated capacity and expertise to successfully implement the Scope of Work.
- Have completed the required representations and certifications incorporated in this RFP.
- Be willing to comply with relevant donor rules and regulations and Helen Keller Intl requirements.
Note: Helen Keller Intl will not award a contract to any firm that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment by the U.S. Government, or who proposes to do business with firms or firms’ principals who are debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment, in the performance of the requirement of this activity.
Program Background
Established in 1915 with Helen Keller as a founding trustee, Helen Keller Intl works to save the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Helen Keller Intl has its headquarters in New York City and currently offers programs in 21 countries in Africa, Asia and the United States. The organization works to combat the causes and consequences of blindness and malnutrition by establishing programs based on evidence and research.
Helen Keller has been working in Kenya since 2010 in nutrition and health programs. Currently in Kenya, Helen Keller is supporting three projects targeting children below five years and women of reproductive age. The Vitamin A and deworming project covers 24 Counties and ensures all children 6 to 59 months receive twice yearly doses of deworming and Vitamin A. In July 2023, the Transforming Lives through Nutrition project in Kenya started implementing activities with the aim of improving the first 1000 days of a child between conception and the second birthday. Our projects follow different strategies including training of health workers, creating demand, and procuring equipment, and provision of Multiple Micro-Nutrient Powders in Kilifi. In Baringo, the CMAM-VAS (Community Management of Acute Malnutrition-Vitamin A Supplementation) project seeks to provide Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) and deworming and screening for malnutrition at the community level.
The media consultant will develop four qualitative videos (per project) and at least ninety pictures that will present how the Helen Keller implemented projects are being implemented in line with Global best practices and will highlight how the activities have been impactful in families and communities, showcasing the project approach as a good model. The videos will present evidence of the Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Accuracy of Project Planning, Preparation, and Implementation, as well as Monitoring and Measurement of Impact/Lessons Learned and Efficacy of Project Implementation.
The Consultancy calls for a Media professional with well-established experience in media production. He / She should have in-depth knowledge of graphical video design; have a working knowledge of HD formats; have experience working with development agencies on similar projects and can transcribe a script to an audio-visual document.
The purpose of the consultancy is to support the Kenya team by providing multiple videos, articles and pictures of the activities implemented in our focal counties.
- Activities
The consultant will work in close collaboration with the National health and Nutrition Coordinator, and the project managers for each project including the project team based in Kenya to do the following:
- Draft a brief synopsis and script setting out the video angles and storyline as well as the purpose of the videos.
- Work with project staff to identify the key stakeholders to be featured in the documentary, book appointments and prep them before production.
- Provide rough drafts of documentaries for review and feedback.
- Edit, translate (subtitle) and make other necessary changes to the documentaries considering the feedback and other comments.
Activities will likely require travel to Kifili, Baringo, and any of the other 23 counties (Uasin Gishu, Elgeyo Marakwet, Kakamega, Bungoma, Trans Nzoia, Kisumu, Homabay, Migori, Siaya, Nyamira, Machakos, Nairobi, Kitui, Narok, Nyeri, Kirinyaga, Meru, Laikipia, Nyandarua, Kwale, Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Tharaka Nithi) to document activities, take photographs/ videos, conduct interviews and to meet with relevant stakeholders.
- Specific tasks include:
1. Script development: Draft the storyboard and script indicating the documentary angle, storyline, and purpose of the documentary. This will be shared and discussed with the country team and comms officer before sharing it with the project lead for approval.
2. Interview mapping: Work with project staff to identify the key stakeholders to be featured in the documentary, book appointments and prep them before production.
3. Branding: Collate all necessary logos and information that will be used in the documentaries, and include graphics, subtitles, and other material relevant to the videos. All these must be in line with the projects branding plans.
4. Trip schedule: Develop a plan and itinerary to conduct interviews with beneficiaries, partners and other stakeholders and film clips of capacity-building activities, health centers, community, and other location activities.
5. Interviews: Travel to locations and conduct interviews (In English and local languages), take high-resolution photographs, cutaway videos and other relevant clips based on the approved synopsis/script.
6. Consent: Work with the Focal person to ensure that all the people to be interviewed understand and sign the Helen Keller consent forms.
7. Documentary draft: Provide rough drafts of documentaries/short videos for review and feedback. Edit, translate (subtitle) and make other necessary changes to the documentaries/short videos, taking into account the feedback and other comments.
- Video showing human interest story for a child/child receiving MNPs and the benefits the caregiver has noted under the Transforming Lives project in Kilifi.
- Video showing human interest story for pregnant/lactating women who are part of the mama/binti groups on benefits of the counselling and who have attended a maternity open day and the overall improvement at the MCH from training of health workers and provision of equipment under the transforming Lives project in Kilifi.
- Video showing a human-interest story for a child who has received VAS and Deworming, how the project has made the services to be accessible and how Helen Keller is supporting bridging the gap and bringing the services closer to be captured in on of the 25 Counties or a combination of a max two Counties.
- Video showing human interest story on community screening of malnutrition for a child in Baringo and the benefits to the children and how this has improved screening and treatment in Baringo County.
- Quality and well-captioned photos illustrating activities within the 3 projects, at least 30 photos per project, 90 in total. The photos will be captured from the same locations as the videos.
- Written articles of the four videos above.
Proposal / Offer Submission
Each bidder must submit the following:
- A technical proposal, no more than four pages, describing how the documentary production objectives will be met within the stated timetable. Also, a narrative “pitch” describing the basic film concepts and illustrative examples of how it would be structured.
- Technical qualifications of the team members (for film companies) including CVs, for all proposed personnel along with select internet links or digital copies of relevant films developed by team members as well as Creative portfolios, including internet links or digital copies of relevant short films developed by the company.
- Budget/financial proposal including a description of costs for personnel, per diems, travel, logistics, any local production company support, and all film production costs (development, pre-production, production, and post-production). Include an overall cost for the contract.
Consultant Qualifications
The following competencies, experiences and skills are qualifying conditions/criteria for the tender and must be demonstrated in the proposals submitted:
- Bachelor’s degree in media or film studies or equivalent
- Demonstrates sensitivity to cultural and gender diversity and equity in his/her daily work and personal behavior
- Excellent interpersonal and interviewing skills
- Good analytical, communication and writing skills.
- Have at least eight years of working experience directing and producing high-quality human-angled documentaries/short films.
- Proficient in video editing software.
- Have in-depth knowledge of graphical video design.
- Have a working knowledge of HD formats.
- Have experience working with development agencies on similar projects.
- Can transcribe a script to an audio-visual document.
Anticipated Contracting Period and Award Mechanism
The anticipated period of the resulting award is expected to be a maximum of 3 months, beginning no later than March 18th, 2024. Bidders must clearly identify “start-up” support costs, if any, required to commence services.
Helen Keller Intl intends to award an all-inclusive fixed-price Professional Services Contract to the winning offer. No profit, fees, taxes, or additional costs can be added after the award. This RFP is subject to all the terms and conditions of the resulting contract. Any resultant award will be governed by these terms and conditions.
How to apply
To submit a response to this proposal, please email noting the title “Consultancy for Documenting Human Interest Stories Procurement No. 2024-02-16 ” in the subject line, and request the complete copy of the request for proposals for further details on qualifications, scope of work, and other relevant information.
Please follow the detailed RFP Instructions to submit your complete proposal (cover letter, technical offer, and financial offer). The deadline for submissions is March 22nd 2024.
This RFP is open to all persons or entities that are deemed capable of implementing the scope of work, with a solid record of integrity and business ethics.
The award will be made to the Seller representing the best value to the project and to Helen Keller Intl. For this RFP, price, delivery, technical and past performance are of equal importance for the purposes of evaluating and selecting the “best value” awardee.
In the spirit of our founder and namesake,
Helen Keller places diversity and partnership at the core of our work.
We encourage small, disadvantaged, minority, women, or veteran-owned businesses to submit proposals.